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How To Protect Strawberries In Hanging Baskets From Birds

How To Protect Strawberries In Hanging Baskets From Birds

Strawberries are a delicious and nutritious fruit that many people enjoy growing in their gardens. However, one common challenge that strawberry growers face is protecting their precious berries from birds. Birds are notorious for snacking on ripe strawberries, leaving gardeners frustrated and disappointed. In this article, we will explore effective strategies and techniques to protect strawberries in hanging baskets from birds, ensuring a bountiful harvest.

Understanding the Bird Threat

Birds, such as sparrows, starlings, and blackbirds, are attracted to strawberries due to their vibrant color and sweet taste. These feathered creatures can quickly decimate a strawberry crop, leaving gardeners with little to enjoy. Understanding the bird threat is crucial in developing effective protection strategies.

1. Netting

One of the most effective ways to protect strawberries in hanging baskets from birds is by using netting. Bird netting is a physical barrier that prevents birds from accessing the berries. It is lightweight, easy to install, and allows sunlight and rain to reach the plants. To use netting, follow these steps:

  • Measure the size of your hanging basket and cut the netting accordingly.
  • Secure the netting over the basket, ensuring it is taut and covers the entire plant.
  • Use clips or clothespins to secure the netting in place.

Netting should be checked regularly to ensure there are no gaps or tears that birds can exploit. It is important to remove the netting during the flowering stage to allow pollinators, such as bees, to access the plants.

2. Visual Deterrents

Birds are easily frightened by visual deterrents that mimic predators or create a sense of danger. By incorporating these deterrents, you can discourage birds from approaching your strawberry hanging baskets. Some effective visual deterrents include:

  • Hanging shiny objects, such as CDs or aluminum foil strips, near the baskets. The reflective surfaces will startle birds and deter them from landing.
  • Placing scarecrows or owl decoys near the strawberry plants. Birds perceive these objects as potential threats and will avoid the area.
  • Using bird scare tape, which is a reflective tape that creates a flickering effect in the wind. This movement scares birds away.

It is important to regularly move and change the position of visual deterrents to prevent birds from becoming accustomed to them.

3. Sonic Deterrents

Another effective method to protect strawberries from birds is by using sonic deterrents. These devices emit sounds that mimic bird distress calls or predator noises, creating an environment that birds find threatening. Sonic deterrents can be purchased from garden supply stores or online. Some popular options include:

  • Ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to birds but inaudible to humans.
  • Bird distress call recordings that can be played on speakers or through electronic devices.
  • Predator noises, such as hawk or falcon calls, that create a sense of danger for birds.

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using sonic deterrents to ensure they are placed correctly and at the appropriate volume.

4. Scarecrows and Decoys

Scarecrows and decoys are traditional methods of bird deterrence that can be effective in protecting strawberries. Birds perceive these objects as potential threats and will avoid the area. When using scarecrows and decoys, consider the following:

  • Place scarecrows or decoys near the strawberry hanging baskets, ensuring they are visible from all angles.
  • Regularly move and change the position of scarecrows and decoys to prevent birds from becoming accustomed to them.
  • Consider using decoys that resemble natural predators of birds, such as owls or hawks, for increased effectiveness.

5. Companion Planting

Companion planting involves growing certain plants alongside strawberries to deter birds and other pests. Some plants have natural scents or properties that repel birds, making them excellent companions for strawberries. Consider planting the following alongside your hanging baskets:

  • Marigolds: The strong scent of marigolds repels birds and other pests.
  • Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums produce a mustard-like scent that birds find unappealing.
  • Lavender: The fragrance of lavender is known to deter birds.

Companion planting not only helps protect strawberries from birds but also enhances the overall health and productivity of the garden.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Will netting harm the strawberry plants?

No, netting will not harm the strawberry plants. It is designed to allow sunlight and rain to reach the plants while keeping birds out. However, it is important to remove the netting during the flowering stage to allow pollinators to access the plants.

2. How often should I move visual deterrents?

It is recommended to move visual deterrents every few days to prevent birds from becoming accustomed to them. Changing their position and appearance will help maintain their effectiveness.

3. Are sonic deterrents safe for other wildlife?

Sonic deterrents are generally safe for other wildlife, as they are designed to target specific bird species. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid using sonic deterrents near nesting areas or protected wildlife habitats.

4. Can scarecrows and decoys be used alone?

While scarecrows and decoys can be effective in deterring birds, they are more effective when used in combination with other methods, such as netting or visual deterrents. Using multiple strategies will provide a comprehensive defense against bird damage.

5. How close should companion plants be to the strawberry hanging baskets?

Companion plants should be planted within close proximity to the strawberry hanging baskets, ideally within a few feet. This will ensure that their scents and properties effectively deter birds from approaching the strawberries.

6. Can I use these methods for other fruits and vegetables?

Yes, many of these methods can be applied to protect other fruits and vegetables from birds. Netting, visual deterrents, sonic deterrents, scarecrows, decoys, and companion planting can all be adapted to suit the specific needs of different crops.


Protecting strawberries in hanging baskets from birds requires a multi-f