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How Many Calories Are In A Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt

How Many Calories Are In A Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt

Yogurt is a popular and nutritious snack that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients like protein, calcium, and probiotics. Yoplait, a well-known brand in the yogurt industry, offers a wide range of flavors, including the ever-popular strawberry yogurt. If you are watching your calorie intake or simply curious about the nutritional content of Yoplait strawberry yogurt, this article will provide you with all the information you need.

The Nutritional Profile of Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt

Yoplait strawberry yogurt is a low-fat option that is often chosen by health-conscious individuals. Let’s take a closer look at its nutritional profile:

  • Calories: A 6-ounce (170g) serving of Yoplait strawberry yogurt contains approximately 150 calories.
  • Protein: This serving size provides around 5 grams of protein, which is essential for muscle repair and growth.
  • Fat: Yoplait strawberry yogurt is low in fat, with only 1.5 grams per serving.
  • Carbohydrates: A serving of Yoplait strawberry yogurt contains about 26 grams of carbohydrates, including natural sugars from the strawberries and lactose from the milk.
  • Fiber: Unfortunately, Yoplait strawberry yogurt does not contain any significant amount of fiber.
  • Calcium: Yoplait strawberry yogurt is a good source of calcium, providing approximately 15% of the recommended daily intake.
  • Vitamin D: Yoplait strawberry yogurt is often fortified with vitamin D, which is important for bone health. It typically contains around 15% of the recommended daily intake.

Comparing Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt to Other Yogurt Brands

When it comes to choosing yogurt, it’s important to consider the nutritional content and compare different brands. Let’s compare the calorie content of Yoplait strawberry yogurt to some other popular yogurt brands:

  • Chobani Strawberry Greek Yogurt: A 5.3-ounce (150g) serving of Chobani strawberry Greek yogurt contains approximately 130 calories, making it a slightly lower-calorie option compared to Yoplait.
  • Dannon Light & Fit Strawberry Yogurt: A 6-ounce (170g) serving of Dannon Light & Fit strawberry yogurt contains around 80 calories, making it a significantly lower-calorie option compared to Yoplait.
  • Siggi’s Icelandic Style Strawberry Yogurt: A 5.3-ounce (150g) serving of Siggi’s Icelandic style strawberry yogurt contains approximately 110 calories, making it a lower-calorie option compared to Yoplait.

It’s important to note that the calorie content may vary slightly between different flavors and product lines within each brand. Always check the nutrition label for the most accurate information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Is Yoplait strawberry yogurt a healthy snack option?

Yes, Yoplait strawberry yogurt can be a healthy snack option, especially when compared to other high-calorie snacks. It provides essential nutrients like protein and calcium. However, it’s important to consider your overall diet and nutritional needs when incorporating yogurt into your daily routine.

2. Can Yoplait strawberry yogurt be part of a weight loss diet?

Yoplait strawberry yogurt can be included in a weight loss diet due to its relatively low calorie content. However, it’s important to consider portion sizes and the overall balance of your diet. Pairing yogurt with fruits or nuts can add more fiber and healthy fats, making it a more satisfying and nutritious snack.

3. Does Yoplait strawberry yogurt contain added sugars?

Yes, Yoplait strawberry yogurt contains added sugars. While it does contain natural sugars from the strawberries and lactose from the milk, additional sugars are often added to enhance the flavor. It’s important to be mindful of your overall sugar intake and choose yogurt options with lower added sugar content if desired.

4. Can Yoplait strawberry yogurt be enjoyed by individuals with lactose intolerance?

Yoplait strawberry yogurt contains lactose, which may cause discomfort for individuals with lactose intolerance. However, some people with lactose intolerance can tolerate small amounts of lactose. Alternatively, there are lactose-free yogurt options available in the market that can be enjoyed by individuals with lactose intolerance.

5. Are there any alternatives to Yoplait strawberry yogurt with lower calorie content?

Yes, there are several alternatives to Yoplait strawberry yogurt with lower calorie content. Greek yogurt, for example, is often lower in calories and higher in protein compared to traditional yogurt. Additionally, there are many brands that offer light or low-calorie yogurt options.

6. Can Yoplait strawberry yogurt be enjoyed by individuals with dietary restrictions?

Yoplait strawberry yogurt is not suitable for individuals following a vegan or dairy-free diet, as it contains milk. However, there are dairy-free yogurt alternatives available in the market that can be enjoyed by individuals with dietary restrictions.


Yoplait strawberry yogurt is a delicious and nutritious snack option that provides essential nutrients like protein and calcium. It contains approximately 150 calories per 6-ounce serving, making it a relatively low-calorie choice. However, there are other yogurt brands available with lower calorie content if that is a concern for you. It’s important to consider your overall diet and nutritional needs when incorporating yogurt into your daily routine. Always check the nutrition label for the most accurate information and consider alternatives if you have specific dietary restrictions or preferences.